NSB Logo Don Newman Don Newman

Don Newman

Speaker Exclusive

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Renowned TV Journalist and Chair of Canada 2020

Don Newman is an award-winning broadcast journalist and Chairman of Canada 2020, a non-partisan forum to further the political, social and economic well-being of Canadians. He is also Principal Strategic Counsel at Temple Scott Associates., a leading public affairs and communications firm in Ottawa and Toronto.

Keynote Speeches

Canada 2020 - I Have a Plan

As chair of the Canada 2020 advisory board, Don Newman is at the forefront of the future of our country. His presentations will help raise the level of awareness and debate in Canada about the role of the federal government in key areas of income, health, our environment and innovation.


The Newman Briefing/Welcome to the Broadcast

Don Newman greeted viewers for decades with his famous phrase ‘welcome to the broadcast’.  His experience over 40 years in Canadian and international affairs provides perspective on our country’s history and place in the world, and our foundations for the future.  

Canada & International Relations

His experience over 40 years in Canadian and international affairs provides perspective on our country’s history and place in the world, and our foundations for the future.  

Platform Plus Presentations

Unique formats and ways to connect with audiences.
Event Moderator
Panelist/In Conversation

Audience reviews:

  • Don Newman is “a shining example of responsible journalism and is a role model for integrity in reporting.

    - Lloyd Axworthy, President, University of Winnipeg
  • He is one of Canada's most respected journalists. Since the 1960s, he has been chronicling our nation's major political events, offering Canadians his unique blend of insightful analysis and compelling commentary. A skilled reporter and mentor to new talent, he has encouraged integrity in reporting and demystified the complex political issues facing us daily.

    - Order of Canada Citation
  • I have received great feedback from those who were able to participate ... Your passion and genuine engagement of those in attendance was quite evident and set a wonderful tone for the panelists who followed.

    - Chair, Nova Scotia Federal Council
  • Don Newman is “a shining example of responsible journalism and is a role model for integrity in reporting.

    - Lloyd Axworthy, President, University of Winnipeg
  • He is one of Canada's most respected journalists. Since the 1960s, he has been chronicling our nation's major political events, offering Canadians his unique blend of insightful analysis and compelling commentary. A skilled reporter and mentor to new talent, he has encouraged integrity in reporting and demystified the complex political issues facing us daily.

    - Order of Canada Citation
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Speaker Biography

His celebrated journalism career spans more than forty years. As Senior Parliamentary Editor of CBC Television News, he anchored live specials and his own national weekly and daily political affairs programs. He also helped launch Canada’s first all- news channel, and reported with The National, and was a foreign correspondent, with CTV and CBC, reporting from Washington, New York and the United Nations. His recently published career memoir “Welcome to the Broadcast” has received critical acclaim. With intelligent insight, wit and behind-the-scenes knowledge, the award-winning, renowned anchor is an engaging communicator, a trusted political commentator and a skilled interviewer.

On stage he shares stories about meeting and interviewing the political greats of the last half-century and how different experiences have shaped his views on political leadership, and vision for the country and globe. Don Newman is a life member of the Canadian Parliamentary Press as well as Canada’s History Society (a long-serving director and now on its Advisory Council), a director of the Canadian Committee of World Press Freedom Day and the Canadian Club of Toronto, and a founder of the Science Media Centre of Canada.