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David Suzuki


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Award-Winning Scientist, Environmentalist & Broadcaster

Dr. David Suzuki, Co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation, is an award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster. David has made it his life’s work to help humanity understand, appreciate, respect and protect nature. He is renowned for his radio and television programs that explain the complexities of the natural sciences in a compelling, easily understood way.

Keynote Speeches

Virtual Keynotes & Webinars
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Humanity over the Edge: Transformation or Extinction

The COVID-19 crisis has had two enormous and related consequences it brought much of human activity to a halt and it’s given nature a respite. Both provide an opportunity to reset society’s priorities and head in a different direction.

Confrontation with the reality of a new epidemic should have subdued political and economic imperatives to scientific reality and the US and Brazil have shown what happens when science is ignored or brushed aside. In a time of accusations of fake media, deep conspiracies, and relentless trolls, scientists should have regained authoritative prominence, and people have had to confront important questions about purpose, values, opportunities, and constraints in the way we choose to live.

During the pandemic, the murder of George Floyd in the US and Indigenous people and the outbreak of racist attacks against Asians in Canada have revealed deep-seated racism and inequities that must be dealt with in a post-Covid world.

In this exploratory presentation, Dr. David Suzuki touches on some of the stark questions and answers we’ve encountered, from our impact on the environment and our ability to change it, to our dependence on the human creation called the economy and the unfair treatment of our elders, indigenous people, homeless people, etc.

Suzuki puts out a call to action for all of us to rethink our priorities and learn the ultimate lesson in front of us that nature can be far more forgiving than we deserve. Let us continue to allow her to recover and learn how to put our efforts into living green and building a society that not only restores Earth’s sustainable productivity, yet encourages collaboration and humanity.

Optional: Post Keynote book-signing on request

The Sacred Balance-Rediscovering Our Place in Nature

David Suzuki argues that the real bottom line, and society’s challenge today, is not debts and deficits, but the need to live full and meaningful lives without destroying the Earth’s biosphere, which supports all life. Suzuki explores the physical, social, and spiritual needs that form the basis of any society that aspires to a sustainable future and a high quality life for its citizens. Those fundamental requirements are rooted in the Earth and its life support systems. They are worthy of reverence and respect; they are sacred.

The Challenge of the 21st Century: Setting the Real Bottom Line

Developments in science and technology have resulted in a seismic shift in the way the majority of people live, and we have now undeniably altered the biological, physical and chemical properties of the planet. Traditional people refer to the Earth as their ‘Mother’ and tell us we are made of the four sacred elements: earth, air, fire and water. Today science is now verifying this ancient wisdom – that we are all biological beings with an absolute dependence on clean air, water, soil and sunlight for our well being. Diversity at the genetic, species, ecosystem and cultural level is critical for long-term resilience and adaptability. How do we ensure this? We need a different set of priorities to become our bottom line for evaluating life in the twenty-first century.

Audience reviews:

  • The relevance of your views regarding why we have removed ourselves from the natural world and now live in a mosaic of disconnected fragments so that we no longer see what our responsibilities are has given our participants many new ideas to take back to their districts on how to meet these challenges.

    - British Columbia School Superintendents Association
  • He is an inspiring speaker who shows where society can make changes that will matter to everyone.

    - Penn State University

Speaker Biography

Dr. David Suzuki has made it his life’s work to help humanity understand, appreciate, respect and protect nature. He is familiar to television audiences from his 44 years as host of the CBC science and natural history television series The Nature of Things.

In 2020, David received The Canadian Academy of Cinema and Television’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He has been recognized by BC Achievement in partnership with the Lieutenant Governor of BC for his extraordinary work as a recipient of the 2021 BC Reconciliation Award. Dr. Suzuki is a Companion to the Order of Canada and a recipient of UNESCOS Kalinga Prize for the Popularization of Science, the 2009 Right Livelihood Award, and UNEP’s Global 500.

He is Professor Emeritus at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and holds 33 honorary degrees from universities in Canada, United States and Australia. His written work includes more than 56 books, 20 of them for children. Dr. Suzuki lives with his wife and family in Vancouver, B.C.