Keynote Speeches
In 1994 Geoff made his first expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic. He was profoundly inspired by these cornerstones of our global ecosystem, and has since led more than 100 expeditions to both the Polar Regions, taking with him thousands of students, scientists, educators and leaders from around the world. Geoff’s presentation will take the audience on an amazing journey from Pole to Pole, sharing stories, insights and observations of what he likes to call the greatest classrooms on Earth. Together with his student alumni from over 40 countries, he has developed the concept of a 21st century “Generation G” embracing values that are Global, Generous, Grateful and Green to help guide the way we interact with Nature and each other.
What’s left in the world to discover?
Geoff Green explores the concept of “discovery and exploration in the 21st century.” Tomorrow’s “explorers” are those who help us better understand the Planet and find the ways that will allow us to live sustainably for generations to come. An unprecedented opportunity exists to engage the minds and imaginations of the next generation of young scientists and leaders, and to help people understand that we must find alternatives to our addiction to fossil fuels. Geoff addresses this risk our unbridled thirst for oil poses to our economy, climate and quality of life – and how to motivate and inspire people to action.
Geoff’s presentation will be a fascinating journey of stories and photos to the Polar Regions, the remote areas of the Earth that have profound significance for the Earth’s climate and ultimately environments, ecosystems and human society.
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