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Bob Gray


Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Memory Expert

When common memory lapses occur, it not only leads to frustration, embarrassment and lost credibility… it carries a negative image. Conversely, an excellent memory conveys the image of success and of someone who is in control. Memory expert Bob Gray can dramatically improve your sales, productivity and relationships. Imagine the impression you’ll make when you are able to immediately recall the names of clients, their interests and hobbies; quote prices and product numbers; keep business appointments and deliver presentations, all without ever having to refer to notes or other sources. A trained memory is a business asset attainable by everyone.

Keynote Speeches

Virtual Keynotes & Webinars
Contact us for more information about this speaker & their virtual presentations. Click here for some of the most popular formats for virtual events.
Face to Face: Network Like a Millionaire and Never Forget a Face

How often have you bumped into clients, or customers, or someone you know but can’t remember his name, or hers? Socially, this can be embarrassing, and in business, it can be disastrous. With our lives already so hectic, and the number of people who are important to us increasing every day, we need an instant and easy way to keep each and every one of them active in our memory. The sweetest sound to someone is the sound of his or her own name. By recalling a correct name, especially after only one introduction, you will not only engage and flatter its owner, but you will be remembered for your thoughtful interest. In his amusing, unusual and empowering presentation, Bob reveals a wonderful method to easily recall and store into memory the names of new friends and business acquaintances. Having been taught the system, participants are quickly and easily able to recall both first and last names of several new acquaintances as they are introduced during the presentation. It’s a hilarious system that will have the audience in hysterics… and it works!

Accelerate Your Memory Into Rapid Recall
Bob delivers two incredibly powerful memory demonstrations, which never fail to astonish. After entertaining the audience with his own memory, he enriches their minds by teaching the hilarious and practical ‘Chain’ system. (A system dating all the way back to ancient Greece, which is an invaluable tool for memorizing speeches, presentations lists, complex equations and more!)

Digital Amnesia: How technology is stealing our brain…and how to steal it back
Since we’ve been able to place more memory power in the palm of our hand than was used to land a man on the moon, we’ve banished our own memory to the back burner.
When common memory lapses occur, it not only leads to frustration, embarrassment and lost credibility… it carries a negative image. Conversely, an excellent memory conveys the image of success and of someone who is in control.

Also known as the Google Effect: The experience of forgetting something important because we trust a connected device.
Bob’s latest keynote addresses how we are outsourcing our memory to our devices and the negative effect it is having on our businesses.  A trained memory is a business asset attainable by everyone.
A strong believer that having fun creates the best learning environment, Bob’s gregarious style make the teaching process seem like recreation.
Accelerate Your Memory Into Rapid Recall

Bob delivers two incredibly powerful memory demonstrations, which never fail to astonish. After entertaining the audience with his own memory, he enriches their minds by teaching the hilarious and practical ‘Chain’ system. (A system dating all the way back to ancient Greece, which is an invaluable tool for memorizing speeches, presentations lists, complex equations and more!)

Platform Plus Presentations

Unique formats and ways to connect with audiences.
Workshop | Memory’s best kept secret
In this half- or full-day workshop Bob will introduce the group to four major memory systems. Expanding on his ninety-minute keynote, he will introduce them to the Peg System and The Phonetic Index. This session can be customized to support your sales team. The Peg System gives the student the ability to memorize schedules, calendars, meetings, feature lists and rules and regulations. It is one of the easiest time savers you’ll ever learn.

Audience reviews:

  • Bob Gray was hilarious, while providing insight into how to greatly improve our powers of recall. The fact that his books sold out post session testifies to our audience buy-in with his system. His light hearted approach helped us to finish the conference on a happy note.

    - Risk & Insurance Management Society
  • Your delivery was great, but your content was even better. We have all faced situations where we are unable to recall the name of an individual we just met. It was great to learn your method to easily recall and store into memory the names of new business acquaintances, and you made it fun!

    - Vice President – Education, Coldwell Bankers
  • Your presentation was extremely informative but you also captured everyone’s interest and provided a new technique that will enhance our business. Your message was relevant and informative and you provided personal experiences that accomplished our objective to provide an informational and inspirational experience.

    - Investors Group Financial Services
  • The benefits to our business have been immediate and will be lasting. I heartily recommend Bob and his program of Building Total Recall.

    - MacKenzie Financial
  • You delivered with a level of excitement that had everyone thanking us after...I would fully recommend you to any other groups that are looking for some relaxing entertainment.

    - Education Committee Chair, International Society of Arboriculture Ontario
  • I have not laughed so hard and learned so much at the same time

    - Johnson & Johnson
  • You were an ideal opener for the conference, kept them entertained and engaged, and I know they learned recall skills which they are already putting into practice. Great content and great take away value for the participants. The only negative comment was that you didn’t have sufficient time on the agenda.

    - Rogers Broadcasting Limited
  • Bob Gray was hilarious, while providing insight into how to greatly improve our powers of recall. The fact that his books sold out post session testifies to our audience buy-in with his system. His light hearted approach helped us to finish the conference on a happy note.

    - Risk & Insurance Management Society
  • Your delivery was great, but your content was even better. We have all faced situations where we are unable to recall the name of an individual we just met. It was great to learn your method to easily recall and store into memory the names of new business acquaintances, and you made it fun!

    - Vice President – Education, Coldwell Bankers
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Speaker Biography

Bob Gray, funny motivational keynote speaker and memory expert, discovered his first memory technique when he was seven. He was given a magic book that showed him how to remember a twenty-item list. Shortly thereafter he was called on to ‘do the memory trick’ at family parties and gatherings.

Encouraged by praise at home, he began to find memory techniques could have a valuable role in other aspects of his life. With a little ingenuity, he adapted the ‘memory trick’ to help him with his work at school. The reward was a significant rise in his grades.

Years later, Bob immigrated to Canada from his native England. At the time he was working as an entertainer, and he had to prove to Immigration that he wasn’t taking a job away from a Canadian. As the Immigration authority quickly learned, he wasn’t taking a job away from anyone else in the world! Traveling and entertaining under the stage name of ‘Backwards Bob the Memory Man,’ Bob demonstrated the unique abilities that have netted him a place in the Guinness Book of World Records and recent appearances on Ripley’s Believe It Or NotThe Steve Harvey Show, The NBC Today Show, BBC, CBC, and many more.

For the first several years after arriving in Canada, he traveled throughout North America, appearing in Comedy Clubs, Colleges and Universities, where he demonstrated his unique abilities in front of tens of thousands of people. Soon however, he decided to take a break from the road and entered the business world. Starting in the Fitness Industry, he quickly found that by adapting the memory techniques he had been studying and developing over the years, he was able to move ahead in his career faster than he or anyone else had expected. From never losing track of detailed information to remembering everything about his many clients, including not only their names and occupations but also the names of their family members, their birthdays, hobbies and fitness goals, he got the job done with confidence and ease. Along with making a lot of new friends, Bob saw the sales retention of his company increase by 13% in the first year alone.

After teaching his memory techniques to his own sales staff, with highly acclaimed results, there was a phenomenal demand for him to teach his systems to other companies and organizations. At one point, he was invited to share his techniques at a national fitness convention. Because he incorporated his unique brand of humour and the incredible abilities he had developed in his stage days, his presentation was an instant success. From then on, there was no looking back. Bob was again doing what he loved. He was performing. Only this time, he also had the satisfaction of knowing that he was educating his audience as much as – if not more than – entertaining them.

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