NSB Logo Dr. Brynn Winegard Dr. Brynn Winegard

Dr. Brynn Winegard


Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Neuroscientist specializing in Business Brain Science and Peak Performance

Harvard-trained Dr. Brynn Winegard is an award-winning Professor and global expert in business-brain sciences. Brynn completed her formal education in Neuroscience, Psychology, Marketing, and Strategy (HBSc, MBA, PhD), coupled with over a decade of experience in corporate business development working for Pfizer Inc., Nestle Inc., and Johnson & Johnson Inc., among others. In her high energy, fascinating presentations she helps audiences Boost Your Brain with the brain science of productivity, performance, resilience & antifragility.

Keynote Speeches

Virtual Keynotes & Webinars
Contact us for more information about this speaker & their virtual presentations. Click here for some of the most popular formats for virtual events.
NEW FOR 2025! MERIT Framework for Peak Mental Performance

In Dr Brynn’s proprietary MERIT Framework she shares her science backed insights for Peak Mental Performance.

Insights are jam-packed with latest thinking on:

MOVE – Movement, exercise, fitness
EAT – Eating, nutrition, diet
REST – Sleep, rest, breaks
INTERACT- Socializing, isolation, community
THINK – Mindset, mentality, and inner thoughts

These are the 5 pillars of resilience, antifragility, health, and wellness – at work and in life.

Dr Brynn’s new book on this topic: The Working Brain – Optimize your Workday Performance is released in 2025

WORKING: Boost Your Brain! Brain Science of Productivity, Performance, Resilience & Antifragility

Better functionality, sustainably higher motivation, and increased productivity are within reach!

By dispelling myths and banishing misconceptions about the human brain, Dr. Brynn will walk through frontier findings from applied neuroscience that will help you operate your own human brain more effectively so you may find more workday balance, thwart burnout, and have sustainably higher productivity, motivation, and cognitive functionality.

You will learn how new discoveries are proving conventional brain ideas wrong – and what to do instead! In this talk you will discover the latest findings from interdisciplinary sciences about how we should best organize our day, time, energy, schedule, sleeping, thinking and even eating in order to feel more motivated, be more productive, thwart burnout, and strike workday balance. Together, we ‘Boost Your Brain’!


  • High-Energy, Dynamic, Fast-Paced, Interactive, Enthusiastic, Energizing, Cutting-Edge, Information-Intensive
  • Insights are highly practical, tangible, accessible, and applied – participants learn about how to optimize and use their brains better as they sit in their seats
  • Relevant to almost all work functions, ages, positions, industries, categories
  • 1-hr timeslot (optional Q&A included)
  • Perfect for kicking off a full-day/full-conference of programming – helps participants absorb subsequent session learnings more effectively
NEUROSELLING: Brain Science of Persuasion & Influence

Successfully getting people to believe in you, buy into your ideas, or buy your goods, products, services (‘the 3B’s’), means getting others’ subconscious brain on-side.

‘Neuroselling’ covers frontier insights from brain science on how others perceive you and process the information you present, during a conversation or pitch. Surprising facts? Others aren’t using the conscious, logical, rational, language-centers of their brains as we assume they are: instead, the brain prefers to work on subconscious, social, emotional, interpersonal, and image-based impulses to make all of its decisions.

Dispelling some of the common myths and exciting audiences with new and neat brain facts, Dr. Brynn ‘unravels the brain like an onion’ to reveal her ‘6 Brain Science secrets’ for increasing your influence and persuasiveness by getting to the core of human decision-making.


  • Dynamic, High-Energy, Fast-Paced, Interactive, Enthusiastic, Skill-Enhancing, Cutting-Edge, Information-Intensive
  • Count down with Dr. Brynn as she shares her ‘Six Brain Science Secrets’ for greater influence, persuasiveness, and gaining non-coercive compliance from just about anyone
  • Insights are practical, usable, real, & applied
  • Understand better how the human brain really operates and makes decisions
  • Intended for Sales professionals, Marketing professionals, Account staff, Client-or Customer-facing personnel, any role accountable for topline business growth
  • 1-hr timeslot (optional Q&A included)
  • This is an ‘infotaining’, business-propagating way to deliver professional development & skill-enhancement for sales, account, customer-facing or marketing functions
LEADING: Interpersonal Influence, Executive Presence & Leadership Presence

Ready to transcend the basics of peak brain performance?

Once you have the basics of peak brain performance down, Dr. Brynn helps you uplevel it all. She guides you to amplify your influence as a professional and cultivate your own leadership capacity by enacting better executive influence.

It borrows from applied neuroscience, interpersonal neurobiology, performance physiology, sports psychology, kinesics, kinesthetics to deliver the main tenants of her framework, called the ‘Touching BACE’ framework. It’s a true scientific bouquet!

An optional module—typically delivered in the virtual format—is about the best practices from a brain science perspective on how to be more influential as a hybrid worker. 

Dr. Brynn uncovers essential insights on how people perceive you virtually and how to increase your interpersonal influence when working virtually.

Platform Plus Presentations

Unique formats and ways to connect with audiences.
Workshop | The Aging Brain: Maintaining Accuracy, Productivity, Relevance throughout Your Career
Our brains naturally and normally change with age more than we think—‘like a fine wine’ some things get better with age, while other abilities decline. Either way, knowing the difference is key: as example, research shows that our decision-making errors increase with age, while our confidence in our correctness also increases – we are making more errors, we are just surer we aren’t! Other abilities and processing meanwhile gets more acute, skills get honed, and we get better at all kinds of tasks. Knowing what these are is key to maintaining accuracy, productivity and relevance in the workforce throughout our careers, especially when it comes to interacting with and training next-gen workers, and through the succession planning process.

Audience reviews:

  • Brynn kept our diverse crowd spellbound with her scientific explanation of brain functioning, coupled with practical approaches for optimizing productivity.  The topic was relevant to the entire company, and her lively, entertaining style kept everyone involved and attentive, even at the end of a long day of meetings.

    - VP-HR, High Growth Silicon Valley Startup
  • I wanted to personally get back to you and let you know that your session at the recent RBC Insurance Conference received the highest rating of all our sessions! Your message really resonated with the audience, we had a ton of positive anecdotal feedback, and in our formal survey, 88% strongly agreed/agreed (81%/7%) that they gained insights from your presentation that they can use to optimize their brain and enhance relationships! When we asked our attendees what they found MOST valuable about the Conference, your presentation was frequently noted. We also received comments like, “Loved Dr. Brynn’s session, insights and advice”. Once again, on behalf of our attendees and the entire event planning team, THANK YOU! - Director, S&D Communications & Events | RBC Insurance
  • Everyone was super engaged. You were inspiring and insightful and I heard incredible feedback from your presentation from the team and my director…Your time and knowledge on this subject is invaluable and I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done for me and the team.

    - Manager, Global Event Marketing, Scotiabank
  • Energy, energy, energy…. This describes your presentations. Your ability to engage the audience by linking your expertise and their needs was exceptional. I was very pleased to see that you took our theme and used it to focus your presentation in a way that met so many and varied needs. You have shown an excellent ability to recognize and meet the differing needs of senior business officials and administrative assistants.

    - Executive Director, OASBO
  • Brynn's energetic, engaging and dynamic presentation style was a breath of fresh air. She left our audience with actionable takeaways as she shared unique insights on the relationship between how our brain's operate and transformational, not just effective, leadership.

    - Treaty Account Executive, General Reinsurance Corporation
  • Brynn is incredibly brilliant and her passionate delivery and wonderful way of engaging her audience through a combination of visual, auditory and hands-on mechanisms was respected and valued. Her knowledge of the subjects presented as well as her ability to tailor the presentation to our specific needs contributed to a very successful learning experience for all attendees.

    - Manager, Purchasing Services, York Region District School Board
  • Brynn kept our diverse crowd spellbound with her scientific explanation of brain functioning, coupled with practical approaches for optimizing productivity.  The topic was relevant to the entire company, and her lively, entertaining style kept everyone involved and attentive, even at the end of a long day of meetings.

    - VP-HR, High Growth Silicon Valley Startup
  • I wanted to personally get back to you and let you know that your session at the recent RBC Insurance Conference received the highest rating of all our sessions! Your message really resonated with the audience, we had a ton of positive anecdotal feedback, and in our formal survey, 88% strongly agreed/agreed (81%/7%) that they gained insights from your presentation that they can use to optimize their brain and enhance relationships! When we asked our attendees what they found MOST valuable about the Conference, your presentation was frequently noted. We also received comments like, “Loved Dr. Brynn’s session, insights and advice”. Once again, on behalf of our attendees and the entire event planning team, THANK YOU! - Director, S&D Communications & Events | RBC Insurance
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Speaker Biography

Dr. Brynn Winegard is a Harvard-trained, multiple award-winning professor and expert in business-brain sciences. She specializes in explaining everyday work and life phenomena using the secrets of brain science, all with aim of making her audiences happier, healthier, wealthier, and more successful. She helps clients build better business brains.

Dr. Brynn Winegard is not your conventional neuroscience speaker. Whether keynoting or delivering a workshop, she engages her audiences on why we do what we do and the important role our brain plays in literally every aspect of our day.

On stage, Dr. Winegard is an energetic, professional and enthusiastic speaker who simultaneously informs, and inspires. Whether she’s sharing why women multi-task or she’s talking about just how fast our brains process information, she has the unique ability to make brain science accessible to every level of science knowledge.

Dr. Winegard combines real-world experience with cutting-edge research to deliver a customized program that will please your audiences and elevate their outcomes at work and personally. She leaves audiences informed, humoured, and inspired to tackle their challenges armed with fresh insights. Dr. Winegard believes an understanding of brain science can help us be more effective, efficient, productive, informed, influential, persuasive, and successful. 

Dr Brynn talks about the applied neuroscience of how professionals can feel more motivated, get more done, be happier at work, all while striking better balance for sustainable workplace wellbeing. Psychological safety at work is part of this; more psychological safety means much happier, healthier, more motivated, higher performing workers – and who doesn’t want that for their workplace?!

Dr. Winegard completed her formal education in Neuroscience and Psychology but was practically raised in corporate Canada: before her 20th birthday she started her first full-time decade-long career in corporate marketing working for such companies as Pfizer, Nestle, Bank of Montreal, ScotiaBank, CIBC and Johnson & Johnson. She currently teaches the next generation of business leaders at Ryerson University, and Guelph University.

She is a regular on media outlets informing business phenomena using insights from social and brain sciences. Dr. Winegard can be seen on CTV, BNN, CBC, CTV, CBC, CityTV, Global, The Globe and Mail, Maclean’s and PROFIT Magazine, among more than 40 others.

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