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Jean François Ménard

Speaker Featured

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Mental Performance Coach and Bestselling Author

Jean François Ménard is a highly sought-after expert in mental performance coaching. His clients are proven winners: Olympic gold medalists, Cirque du Soleil artists, Super Bowl and X Games champions, NHL superstars, surgeons, popstars, and corporate leaders. Menard’s speaking abilities are unparalleled. He attracts peoples’ attention with his captivating passion, noticeable authenticity and easy-to-use successful techniques. 

Keynote Speeches

Virtual Keynotes & Webinars
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Train Your Brain Like an Olympian

Use the same methods as the best in the world to achieve what you set out to do:

  • Maintain focus in a distracted workplace
  • Make confident decisions under pressure
  • Have mental agility to manage change
  • Be resilient in stressful conditions
  • Bounce back strong from setbacks
  • Create a winning mindset
  • Dream big to deliver big

Olympic athletes deal with tons of distraction. They’re great at managing stress and have loads of self-confidence. It’s all essential to reach the podium. In today’s workplace, the demands are the same. The pressure to be on the mark is constant and mental toughness is no longer just an asset. It’s an absolute necessity. The good news? You now have access to the same mental-toughness tools as the best performers in the world.

Build Team Chemistry

Tap into the power of a positive culture, especially when stakes are high:

  • Establish strong team values
  • Collaborate with purpose
  • Develop a unique team brand
  • Make safety and inclusion matter
  • Provide appropriate feedback
  • Manage critical situations
  • Form robust cohesion

There is an adage which states: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Winning teams get this. They play well as a ‘together’. But creating a successful ‘team’ is more than picking the best players. A winning culture comes from thought-out strategies which foster efficient group dynamics and help individuals ‘gel’ as a group. What do you get in return? High-performing habits and behaviors. This kind of competitive edge is essential for any winning business too. Now’s the time to take advantage.

Add more S.E.N.S.E. in your life

Be at your best when you need to be:

  • Sleep properly, so you can surge
  • Maximize rest and recovery for all-day energy
  • Let good nutrition fuel your tank
  • Handle stress with an Olympian calm
  • Exercise regularly for a healthier mind
  • Control your busy agendas
  • Create a mental-health-friendly environment

It’s no secret; those who work at blazing speeds risk developing mental health issues. It takes more than just talent and hard work to be at your best. That’s why the superstars I work with tap into their full potential by adopting what I call the SENSE formula. (Sleep, Energy management, Nutrition, Stress management, Exercise). Taking care of the fundamentals is key for them to handle heavy workloads and excel when they need to. And if top performers can do it, you can too.

Customized Presentations

Jean Francois also offers customized presentations on change management, optimizing energy levels, along with workshops on mental toughness, stress management and more. View a full list of his presentations here.

Platform Plus Presentations

Unique formats and ways to connect with audiences.
Workshop | Train Your Brain
Where once these skills were reserved for Olympic and professional athletes, increasingly, workplace professionals who want to reach their own podium are enhancing these skills. Let’s face it, workplace environments have changed dramatically in recent years – higher demands and heavier workloads. Mental toughness is no longer simply an asset to perform at your best, it’s an absolute necessity. This experiential speech teaches the right mental skills to leave you energized, thinking clearly and making the right decisions – key components for getting a competitive advantage and ensuring team success!

Key Takeaways:
- Tools for building a robust self-belief.
- How to bounce back positively from setbacks.
- Calming strategies to use in the presence of pressure, stress and fear.

Audience reviews:

  • Jean-François was the hit of our conference!!! We did a short survey on our two half days of meetings and Jean-François has the highest score and the most remarks amongst the various activities and speakers. He was able to adapt his presentation perfectly to the audience of advisors and have a good blend and mix of athlete coaching vs business coaching. His message and various examples resonated with the team. From changing language for I to We or taking it one week at a time. In a period of difficult business markets on the mortgage side and market volatility on the investment side, he was able to give tips to both teams as well as optimism on how to perform in the future. Again, a big bravo to Jean-François! - Regional Vice President, Financial Planning, Investment and Retirement Planning, Quebec | Royal Bank of Canada
  • There was a lot of feedback about JF’s keynote. In fact, he probably got the most comments of all sessions. I haven’t found any negative ones, only positive. Just a few ones I saw: “Jean-François Ménard was so inspiring and definitely spoke to a mindset that everyone can apply in their own lives, both personal and professional - a very much appreciated session”; “I had not interacted in-person with many of my colleagues over the past 2.5 years. It was so satisfying to see them in person! The bookend speakers i.e. Shawn and Jean-François were PHENOMENAL!”; “La session l'Olympien au bureau a été excellent. Le conférencier a su capter l'attention durant toute la session et les exemples etaient très adaptés." and some more like that :). - Program Manager, Marketing, Financial Management Institute Of Canada (fmi*igf)
  • Jean-François was the hit of our conference!!! We did a short survey on our two half days of meetings and Jean-François has the highest score and the most remarks amongst the various activities and speakers. He was able to adapt his presentation perfectly to the audience of advisors and have a good blend and mix of athlete coaching vs business coaching. His message and various examples resonated with the team. From changing language for I to We or taking it one week at a time. In a period of difficult business markets on the mortgage side and market volatility on the investment side, he was able to give tips to both teams as well as optimism on how to perform in the future. Again, a big bravo to Jean-François! - Regional Vice President, Financial Planning, Investment and Retirement Planning, Quebec | Royal Bank of Canada
  • There was a lot of feedback about JF’s keynote. In fact, he probably got the most comments of all sessions. I haven’t found any negative ones, only positive. Just a few ones I saw: “Jean-François Ménard was so inspiring and definitely spoke to a mindset that everyone can apply in their own lives, both personal and professional - a very much appreciated session”; “I had not interacted in-person with many of my colleagues over the past 2.5 years. It was so satisfying to see them in person! The bookend speakers i.e. Shawn and Jean-François were PHENOMENAL!”; “La session l'Olympien au bureau a été excellent. Le conférencier a su capter l'attention durant toute la session et les exemples etaient très adaptés." and some more like that :). - Program Manager, Marketing, Financial Management Institute Of Canada (fmi*igf)
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Speaker Biography

Jean François Ménard is widely recognized for his contributions to the field of performance psychology. While doing his PhD in Sports Psychology at the University of Ottawa, M. Ménard decided to run away with the circus, joining the world-famous entertainment company Cirque Du Soleil. In collaboration with a highly specialized multidisciplinary team, his mission was to coach circus artists the mental skills required to deal with pressure and perform at their best consistently, on demand, up to 450 times a year.
Five years later, he founded Kambio Performance, a company specialized in mental training and leadership coaching. He has since become one of the most sought-after mental performance specialists in the country, working with Canada’s top athletes such as Olympic gold medalists Scott Moir, Tessa Virtue, Mikael Kingsbury, Damian Warner, and Derek Drouin; Super Bowl champion Laurent Duvernay-Tardif; Xgames phenom Maxence Parrot. During the past 4 Olympic Games, his clients stepped on the podium 17 times: seven golds, four silvers and six bronzes. His clients are also NHL superstars, surgeons, popstars, and corporate leaders. Most notably, Menard is the Mental Performance Coach for the NHL’s Montreal Canadiens.
He is the bestselling author of ‘’Train Your Brain Like an Olympian’’ and ”Team Chemistry”, a radio personality, and an accomplished speaker who travels the globe to share his knowledge with top-performing organisations like NASA, Redbull, Western Union, FBI, Cisco, PepsiCo, SunLife Financial, Toronto BlueJays and Novartis.
M. Ménard’s speaking style is unique. His keynote speeches are always custom built according to your needs. His speeches educate, inspire and entertain small and large audiences of all disciplines on various topics related to performance psychology and leadership skills. The keynote speeches typically include innovative content, charismatic story-telling, thought-provoking video clips, and applied exercises. The ultimate goal is to offer in-depth educational experiences that is both experiential and interactive, where participants get to train practical and powerful skills that can be transferred easily in the workplace.  His train your brain approach provides practical strategies to help you pick up and keep any habit you’re trying to include in your life.
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