Keynote Speeches
Cities worldwide are taking strong and effective measures to create a modern green economy and fight climate change. There is a myth that doing the right thing for the environment can only be done at the cost of the economy: in fact the opposite is true. Activist Mayors, business and residents of the worlds major cities are not waiting for national governments international agreements, they are creating the next generation of low carbon jobs while fighting climate change with strong, effective measures.
Cities worldwide face similar challenges – how to create prosperity, livability, and opportunity for all. Under the leadership of David Miller, Toronto made huge strides in growing it’s economy, facing difficult environmental challenges, and ensuring that all residents could participate in it’s success. Starting with the idea that to be environmentally, socially, and economically successful a city must grow inside it’s boundaries, not by sprawl, under the leadership of David Miller, Toronto created and implemented strategies like the Agenda for Prosperity, Transit City, and Change Is In the Air that helped create a significant building boom, a stronger economy, and an environmentally and socially sustainable city.
Does a Mayor known nationally as a downtown Toronto lefty have lessons for business? In Toronto’s case, under the leadership of Mayor David Miller, the answer is yes! Through innovative leadership, a public private partnership in which the business community actually wrote the city’s economic development strategy, and the innovative use of tax policy, the City of Toronto helped to create tens of thousands of jobs – and helped to refocus and rebuild a City that had been in decline. To paraphrase former New York Mayor La Guardia, there is no left or right job, only jobs. Come learn about the innovations from Toronto that have helped businesses to succeed.
In this presentation, David Miller discusses the worldwide leadership role of cities who are using smart environmental policies to effectively address environmental, economic and social issues.
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