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Chantal Hébert

Speaker Featured

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

National Affairs Columnist for the Toronto Star

Chantal Hébert is a national affairs writer with the Toronto Star and a guest columnist for L’Actualité. She is a participant on the political panel “At Issue” on the CBC’s The National, as well as Radio-Canada’s Les Coulisses du pouvoir on television and Gravel le matin on Montreal radio. She helps audiences make sense of the complex political world to help in guide strategic decision making. 

Keynote Speeches

Virtual Keynotes & Webinars
Contact us for more information about this speaker & their virtual presentations. Click here for some of the most popular formats for virtual events.
National Affairs: Politics from Coast to Coast

Hebert looks at what’s making news across the country and examines how political developments are impacting Canadians from coast to coast.

Politics & Democracy in the Fake News Era

In this presentation, Chantal shows audiences how fake news affects today’s politics & the entirety of our democratic system.  She explores the effect of social media on news consumption, the downfall of print media and the evolution of the democratic press. Key takeaways:
• The relationship between paid content & fake news. 
• How journalists can avoid failures in reporting. 

Platform Plus Presentations

Unique formats and ways to connect with audiences.
Panelist/In Conversation

Audience reviews:

  • She was outstanding and exceeded all expectations. Those fortunate enough to attend this sold-out event were enthralled by her boundless insights and masterful delivery.

    - Board Member, Canadian Bar Association
  • She was absolutely spot on. She was warm and light when we met beforehand and then a compelling speaker at the lecture itself…We couldn’t have been happier. The international audience knew little of the Canadian story but learned so much and in such an engaging way just be hearing her speak of her own experiences. She is so intelligent -- which is exactly the kind of speaker academic audiences love.

    - International Gender and Language Association
  • Chantal was fantastic. I said at the end of her talk that I thought people would be talking about her presentation for a long time after and that is what I am hearing from members. Her discussion was intelligent, insightful and resonated with everyone. A few members have said she was the best speaker they have ever heard. So in short, she was a hit.

    - Association of Law Officers of the Crown
  • You provided a high powered and thought-provoking keynote address that got many delegates thinking about the recent federal election and the political landscape in Canada. As professionals working to advance the cause of education in Canada it was very valuable to get your thoughts on where education stood on the political agenda.

    - Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education (CCAE)
  • Chantal was awesome, what a great choice. She really connected well with our physicians and everyone was very impressed with her talk. Her knowledge of the current issues and its relation to health care and physicians was impressive.
    - Executive Director, The Ottawa Hospital Academic Medical Organization
  • She was outstanding and exceeded all expectations. Those fortunate enough to attend this sold-out event were enthralled by her boundless insights and masterful delivery.

    - Board Member, Canadian Bar Association
  • She was absolutely spot on. She was warm and light when we met beforehand and then a compelling speaker at the lecture itself…We couldn’t have been happier. The international audience knew little of the Canadian story but learned so much and in such an engaging way just be hearing her speak of her own experiences. She is so intelligent -- which is exactly the kind of speaker academic audiences love.

    - International Gender and Language Association
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Speaker Biography

Chantal Hébert is a freelance political columnist whose work is featured on radio, television and in print in both French and English.  That includes a weekly participation on the political panel at Issue on the CBC’s The National as well as on Peter Mansbridge’s Good Talk podcast on Sirius XM. 

 Ms Hébert began her career in Toronto as a reporter for the regional newsroom of Radio-Canada in 1975 before moving on to Parliament Hill for Radio-Canada radio.  She has served as parliamentary bureau chief for Le Devoir and La Presse before moving on to become a political columnist for the Toronto Star.

Hébert is a graduate of Glendon College, York University. She is a Senior Fellow of Massey College at the University of Toronto and hold honorary degrees from a dozen Canadian universities.

 She is a recipient of two Asia-Pacific media fellowship (Malaysia and Japan).  She is the 2 005 recipient of the APEX Public Service Award. In 2 006, she received the Hy Solomon award for excellence in journalism and public policy as well as York University’s Pinnacle Achievement Bryden Alumni award.

In 2 012, she was appointed to the Order of Canada. Her second book: The Morning After, dealing with the 1995 Quebec referendum, was published simultaneously in both official languages in 2015.  In 2 019, her peers in the Parliamentary Press Gallery awarded her the Charles Lynch award for her longstanding coverage of national issues.  In 2024, she received the Michener-Baxter award for excellence in journalism.

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