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David Posen


Toronto, ON, Canada

Authority on Stress Management

Multi-talented David Posen, MD has been a successful international keynote speaker, author and seminar leader for more than two decades. As an authority on stress management, he delights audiences across North America with an interactive approach that never fails to captivate, motivate, entertain and inspire. His work with corporate clients has positioned him as a speaker of choice for executive workshops and VIP retreats throughout Canada and the U.S.

Keynote Speeches

Dealing with the Stress of Turbulent Times During COVID

We’re living through uniquely challenging times, both physically and psychologically. The two major factors affecting our mental health at times like these are fear and uncertainty. What they have in common is a feeling of loss of control. In addition, we’ve all been pushed out of our comfort zone, trying to adjust to the new normal and navigating decisions regarding our health and that of our families. 

This keynote will centre around how stress reduction can be accomplished by controlling things we can control: how we behave, how we think, and the lifestyles choices we make. At the end, audiences will have tangible action, cognitive, and self-management strategies to reduce stress.

Round Pegs. Square Holes. The Stress of Trying to Be What You’re Not

Today’s world is full of big expectations. The pace is fast, there’s too much work and the pressures to perform are high. It’s no wonder people become disconnected from themselves and the normal rhythms of living.

Everywhere we look we see people who can’t understand why they are stressed: people with schedules they can’t handle; exhausted introverts trying to be more outgoing; high school students trying to learn at 8:00 in the morning when they’re half-asleep; people in careers they don’t like. 

When individuals struggle to be what they’re not designed or inclined to be, the result is high stress, poor health, low performance and general unhappiness. They are round pegs trying to fit into square holes.

Join David for a look at….
Introversion and extraversion – where you fit on the spectrum.
Becoming more self-aware and getting to know yourself better.
Understanding the conflict between natural time and artificial time.
How sleep deprivation is so dangerous, yet so easy to fix.
How to live in sync with who you are.

Treating Workplace Stress: A Doctor’s Prescription

As the pace of work continues to increase, the economy sputters and jobs are in short supply,organizations and the people who run them keep ramping up the stress levels on their employees. Some workers wear their stress like a badge of honour; others resign themselves to what they see as the “new normal” and accept the situation as “the way it is”.

The real truth is that workplaces are making people sick. Not enough people are talking about it, and when they do, no one is listening.

Join best selling author and renowned speaker on stress, David Posen MD, for a revealing look at workplace stress – what’s causing it and what can cure it.

Discover …
The scope and cost of workplace stress.
How the conspiracy of silence affects everyone.
The Big 3 causes of stress in the workplace.
Three myths about productivity.
Enlightened leadership and the power of permission.
Simple, yet powerful strategies to fix the problem.

Stress Mastery

Stress is a fact of life – but it doesn’t have to be a way of life. Many people use the word without actually understanding what it means. In this clarifying and reassuring presentation, Dr. Posen demystifies the subject by explaining the fundamentals of stress theory without the jargon and then, most importantly, what to do about it.   Filled with insights and “aha” moments, David will make stress less intimidating and give you tips and techniques to master it.

What stress is, how to recognize it and where it comes from.
The simple PPP formula for taming stress in your life.
Time management tips to help you control your day.
How the way you think affects the way you feel.
How simple lifestyle changes can profoundly improve your energy and your mood.

Be Good to Yourself AND the Bottom Line

In today’s dynamic work world, a staggering number of people choose to take care of business instead of taking care of themselves. Not only is it a bad personal decision, but in the end it’s just as destructive for the business. The reality is that good health and self-care can not only co-exist with business success, but actually promote it. With a little persuasion and a touch of humour, David will show you how to be good to yourself and improve the bottom line.

Learn To:
Discover five simple self-care strategies that leverage productivity.
Understand the relationship between stress and performance.
Discover a tool to monitor your stress and pace yourself.
Marvel at some paradoxical truths, including when Less is More.

Taking Care of the Caregiver

People in the “helping professions” – nurses, doctors, the clergy, etc., – have always known that caregiving is draining, both physically and emotionally. But the same applies to people caring for elderly or ailing relatives or those with special needs. How can caregivers continue to give support if they’re not paying attention to their own needs?

Designed to benefit both professionals and non-professionals alike, Dr Posen’s presentation helps caregivers understand the importance of reducing stress, caring for personal needs and putting a little breathing room back into life.

How to monitor your physical and emotional energy.
How to pace yourself and know your limits.
Why time-outs are so important and how to find diversion.
How to avoid and deal with compassion fatigue.
How to make time for yourself without feeling guilty.

Audience reviews:

  • Your presentation to the Ontario Long Term Care convention registrants was a hit! It was obvious that you did your homework. Along with a number of personal comments I received, I can tell you that no other speaker generated such enthusiastic applause.

    - Ontario Long Term Care Association
  • His presentation contained an excellent balance of humour and valuable messages...David is truly professional, taking the time to research our company and the issues important to us at the time, showing interest in our conference as a whole and the topics of the other speakers and ensuring the relevance of his presentation. He has been a pleasure to work with.

    - Price Waterhouse Coopers
  • Your presentation met and exceeded my expectations. You captured the total message I wanted delivered to my team to prepare us for the challenges and the excitement that 1995 will bring. In closing, David, I would like to say a special thanks for your professionalism and incredible sense of humour which helped to make our conference so successful.

    - Royal Bank of Canada
  • Dr. Posen was excellent, one of the best I've listened to. His delivery was humorous and engaging with an important message.

    - University of Michigan
  • I think the Q&A session at the end spoke volumes, as to how much attendees enjoyed you and the information you shared.

    - Kraft Foods
  • Your presentation to the Ontario Long Term Care convention registrants was a hit! It was obvious that you did your homework. Along with a number of personal comments I received, I can tell you that no other speaker generated such enthusiastic applause.

    - Ontario Long Term Care Association
  • His presentation contained an excellent balance of humour and valuable messages...David is truly professional, taking the time to research our company and the issues important to us at the time, showing interest in our conference as a whole and the topics of the other speakers and ensuring the relevance of his presentation. He has been a pleasure to work with.

    - Price Waterhouse Coopers
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Speaker Biography

Dr. David Posen was a family physician for 17 years before devoting his time exclusively to stress management, lifestyle counseling and psychotherapy in 1985.

As both a keynote speaker and seminar presenter, David has spoken widely to education, government, business and professional groups across North America. His clients have included KPMG, Scotiabank, Warner Bros., University of Michigan, Ontario Ministry of Labour, Chevron, American Express, Tennessee Medical Foundation, , University of California, Great West Life, CALU, Hydro One, HRPA, Rogers Communications, Kraft, Hilton Hotels, Ontario Crown Attorneys Association, IBM, BC Association of Broadcasters, Canadian Home Builders Association, McKinsey, Texas City Management Association, Mohawk College and the Million Dollar Round Table. His areas of expertise include Stress Mastery, Work-Life Balance, Workplace Stress, and Mastering Change.

David is the best-selling author of four books, ALWAYS CHANGE A LOSING GAME, STAYING AFLOAT WHEN THE WATER GETS ROUGH, THE LITTLE BOOK OF STRESS RELIEF (translated into seven languages and now in a new 3rd edition) and IS WORK KILLING YOU? which was profiled in USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly, The Globe and Mail & Winnipeg Free Press. His fifth and newest book, AUTHENTICITY, was released in January, 2018. His magazine articles have appeared in Canadian Living and Readers Digest as well as several medical journals. He wrote a weekly column on stress and lifestyle management for a year on the popular website www.canoe.ca. David has appeared many times on TV and radio across Canada and has been quoted in many leading U.S. media outlets such as US News & World Report, People, Huffington Post, Men’s Fitness, Women’s Health, Redbook and McCall’s,

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