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Carly Weeks

Speaker Exclusive

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Award-Winning National Health Reporter & Columnist, The Globe and Mail

Carly Weeks has established a reputation as a fearless journalist with a passion for shining a spotlight on the health and health-care related topics that matter to Canadians, including the significant impact of COVID-19 on all of us. We all have a vested interest in health-care. And in a world in which we are increasingly surrounded by myths, misinformation and lies that threaten to keep us misinformed and in the dark, Weeks specializes in finding the ‘hidden’ stories that some organizations would rather not be told. She provides a healthy dose of reality in her writing and debunks myths on topics ranging from the prescription painkiller crisis to fears over vaccination to Big Food and nutrition policy to name just a few. She has also written about her personal experiences with extreme bullying as a child and has become a source of information and inspiration for families dealing with this serious issue.

Keynote Speeches

Virtual Keynotes & Webinars
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The Healthcare Fix

Millions of Canadians can’t find a family doctor and health care professionals are reporting record levels of exhaustion and burnout.

While the challenges facing our health care system may seem insurmountable, there is a clear, compelling path toward change. And it starts with the innovators and problem-solvers who are working every day to develop new strategies and find a better way to deliver high-quality care.

This speech is designed to be hopeful and inspiring, using stories and examples of health care leaders across the country who are making the system better from the ground up. This speech is designed to leave audience members feeling inspired about the path toward change and their ability to make a meaningful difference on an individual level.

Solving our Mental Health Crisis

Canadians identify mental health as one of the most urgent gaps in our health care system.

We’ve come a long way when it comes to raising awareness and battling stigma, but we are just beginning the journey of connecting people to the care they need when they need it.

This speech will be a rallying cry on the need for change and what it will take to deliver on the longstanding promise for a real mental health system.

Emerging Health Topics

Whether it is the threat of an emerging virus, development of a new cancer treatment or the ongoing debate over public and private care, Carly Weeks has developed an expertise in the most important issues facing the health of Canadians and can prepare a customized presentation to meet your group’s needs.

Carly offers customized presentations tailored to your group’s needs.

Platform Plus Presentations

Unique formats and ways to connect with audiences.
Event Moderator
Panelist/In Conversation

Audience reviews:

  • Everything went really well! We were really impressed with her level of preparation and collaboration in getting ready for the event. - Chief of Communications, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences
  • Carly was great, we were really pleased with her involvement. She was very committed to making the panel discussion a success. She spent time with each panel member ahead of the event and put together an overview and plan for the discussion. She was great on the day and we’re hearing good feedback from our event and panel discussion.

    - Director, Communications & Outreach, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
  • Carly was awesome! She obviously put a lot of effort into the presentation and went to a vulnerable place in her talk while still managing to maintain composure. She worked hard on her presentation and it showed. She was punctual and responsive.
    - Health Planning & Communications Coordinator, Hamilton Family Health Team

Speaker Biography

Carly Weeks has emerged as one of the country’s leading authorities on health information Canadians need to know. She understands that the medical profession is increasingly losing the trust of the general public, and the importance of using communication to bridge that dangerous divide. Weeks has been a national health writer for The Globe and Mail for nearly a decade and has won numerous awards for her coverage. As a former reporter on Parliament Hill in Ottawa and in Washington, D.C., Weeks is also intimately familiar with the complex and often mysterious interplay between politics and health.

In addition to her regular column in The Globe and Mail, Weeks is also a frequent guest on CTV News as a commentator on current events. She punctuates her accessible and conversational style with humour, an insider’s view and a list of takeaways to help audiences better manage their healthcare and understand the system.

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