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Peter Sheahan


Denver, Colorado, USA

Innovative Business Thinking & Behavior Change Expert

Peter Sheahan is known internationally for his innovative business thinking and thought leadership. With staff in more than 23 cities across 7 countries, he knows firsthand the challenges of growing a business in these rapidly-changing times.

Keynote Speeches

Virtual Keynotes & Webinars
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Winning on Value, Not Price

As the pace of commoditization accelerates and the emergence of technological disruption threatens our excising business models, we must find ways to remain relevant and differentiated in the hearts and minds of our customers! This inspiring, case-study rich session will show you how to find opportunity in disruption to reverse the downward spiral of commoditization, move beyond the competition, and become the obvious choice for your customers.

This journey will require that you:

  1. Move from a mindset of value extraction to one of value creation.
  2. Learn at the edge of disruption and embrace the opportunities for differentiation that exist there.
  3. Front run your customers by beating them to the future in the Five Critical Dimensions that they value most during times of rapid change.
  4. Elevate your reputation by competing on expertise and positioning yourself as a trusted adviser for your clients.
  5. Act in a way worthy of your desired leadership position rather than race your competitors to the bottom.
Accelerating Growth Through Transformation

To meet growth expectations, we must transform ourselves and our teams at a faster rate than the external environment is changing or else we risk a slow decline into irrelevancy. Given change isn’t slowing down, this is harder to do today than ever before. The path forward is to build organizations and teams capable of risk-taking, letting go of past successes in pursuit of a new, more vibrant future, and successfully navigating the business from one competitive advatage to the next. 

In this engaging, case-study rich session, we will unlock the keys to accelerated transformation and growth by helping your leaders understand that:

  1. Increasing agility is not about force or more communication, but about compressing the time between awareness of change and acceptance of change.
  2. Creating a burning ambition over a burning platform is the key to sustained investment of their teams’ discretionary effort.
  3. Successful transformation is not a byproduct of ambition and strategy, but of alignment. Leaders must change first because as goes their behaviour, so goes the rest of the organization.
  4. Culture is a science, not an art and that they must intentionally pull the levers that create a growth-enabled culture defined by innovation, excellence, and accountability.
  5. They must create the psychological safety that encourages risk-taking and helps their teams embrace progress over perfection.
Turn Challenge Into Opportunity & Change into Competitive Advantage

As we continue to navigate supply chain constraints, talent and labor shortages, and the onslaught of technological disruption, now, more than ever, we need to build resilient leaders, agile organizations, and high performing teams – no mater the uncertainty.

In this hard-hitting and highly directive keynote, your leaders will learn to:

  1. Increase agility by telling themselves the truth and take ownership in the new reality. There is no going back and there will be no more certainty.
  2. Differentiate between temporary and permanent change and respond accordingly.
  3. Turn a burning platform into a burning ambition that inspires people to continue to give their discretionary effort.
  4. Accelerate change without burning their teams out by eliminating friction and increasing alignment.
  5. Embrace progress over perfection to avoid paralysis as they do their best to manage ambiguity.

Audience reviews:

  • Peter is one of the few speakers we have had who can match the sharp minds of the highly intelligent people we have at Shopzilla, and also deliver an inspiring and insightful message with a clear application to our business and company culture. Well researched and highly engaging, his session with our senior leaders not only opened their eyes to the opportunity presented by the changing nature of the workforce but opened their minds to new ways we can drive collaboration and innovation in the business. Our team’s response was unanimous – we want him back! - Head of People and Culture, Shopzilla
  • Peter Sheahan understands the business model itself, and the role talent plays in driving its success. He will cut the heart of what makes you a great place to work, has a clear understanding of what drives human behavior, and always offers a thoroughly researched perspective on the market. Whether it is strategic guidance, or creative stimulation Peter is a powerful partner on your journey to solving your human capital challenges. - Chief People Officer, Pizza Hut
  • Thank you for your thought-provoking presentation at Google's HQ. You bring terrific energy and insight to the talent topic, and a number of Google staffers reached out to say how much they enjoyed your thought/discussion provoking presentation. - Engineering and Operations Staffing Manager, Google
  • OUTSTANDING. I ate lunch at my desk-side and attempted to multi-task, do other work, with headphones on. Peter's ability to deliver content was spell bounding though. I had to give my attention over. Excellent. I hope every person at director level and above made time for this. Affirms we are doing the right things at GY these days. Just having opportunity to listen in on spur of the moment on talent like this says volumes as well. Thank you. - SVP, Goodyear
  • Peter exceeded my expectations. During our pre-event briefing Peter asked me to send him as much information as possible for our industry so that he could work that into his presentation. I took Peter’s challenge, sending a large number of reports that he successfully integrated. The surprise, was the integration was natural, done in an unrehearsed way, which was extremely credible and reflected very well on our organization. - CEO, Photizo Group
  • Sheahan was the best outside speaker we have had at this conference in 10 years. He added real value and he was able to put into words, what I have been feeling. His presentation was literally perfect. - Chairman, United Technologies
  • Peter Sheahan could light a small town with energy, enthusiasm and insight. He combines deep practical knowledge with unending passion for both his subject matter and his audience. In my 10+ years of speaking with executive-level audiences, I find Peter to be unsurpassed in his ability to engage senior executives. Peter can draw out of your people answers to questions they did not know they had. That, and even more powerfully, he will have them question the very answers they come up with in a way that reveals an even deeper level of insight and understanding. Whether he is presenting or facilitating, Peter is clearly world class educator.

    - Managing Director, Corporate Executive Board
  • Peter Sheahan’s presentation is packed full of energy, enthusiasm, and insight. He combines deep practical knowledge with unending passion for both his subject matter and his audience. In my 10+ years of speaking with executive-level audiences, I find Peter to be unsurpassed in his ability to engage senior executives. And his topic is one no organization can afford to ignore. - Managing Director, Corporate Leadership Council
  • Peter Sheahan has empowered many of us at News Corporation to do more with less faster. His presentation and unique style are both engaging and inspiring – he has made a significant impact on many of our business leaders.

    - EVP Human Resources, News Corporation
  • Peter is one of the few speakers we have had who can match the sharp minds of the highly intelligent people we have at Shopzilla, and also deliver an inspiring and insightful message with a clear application to our business and company culture. Well researched and highly engaging, his session with our senior leaders not only opened their eyes to the opportunity presented by the changing nature of the workforce but opened their minds to new ways we can drive collaboration and innovation in the business. Our team’s response was unanimous – we want him back! - Head of People and Culture, Shopzilla
  • Peter Sheahan understands the business model itself, and the role talent plays in driving its success. He will cut the heart of what makes you a great place to work, has a clear understanding of what drives human behavior, and always offers a thoroughly researched perspective on the market. Whether it is strategic guidance, or creative stimulation Peter is a powerful partner on your journey to solving your human capital challenges. - Chief People Officer, Pizza Hut
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Speaker Biography

After decades of standing in the fire with leaders of high-performing organizations, Peter Sheahan has come to believe that an organization will only go commercially where its leaders first go personally.

Having grown his own companies by accelerating the growth and transformation for clients that include: Apple; Chick-fil-A; DeBeers; and AT&T — Peter will provoke you to get bigger, by getting better! When leaders are true to their purpose, they gravitate towards doing work that matters and solving higher-order problems. The journey to get there requires that they have the courage to tell themselves the truth, take intelligent risks, and assume ownership for driving the alignment necessary to build an organization which behaves in ways worthy of its leadership position.

In being true to his own ambitions and relentless pursuit of growth, Peter has published seven books, built three global companies and delivered more than 2,500 presentations in 40+ countries. Today he is focused exclusively on inspiring leaders to do the hard work required to accelerate growth and transformation.