NSB Logo Nicolas Hamilton Nicolas Hamilton

Nicolas Hamilton


United Kingdom

Limit Defier, Racing Driver and Motivational Speaker

Nicolas Hamilton was told as a child that he would never walk due to his cerebral palsy and would spend his life reliant on a wheelchair. Not one to be told he cannot do things, with determination and gruelling training, he not only walked unaided, but he started to realise his dream: to be a racing driver. Delivered in his genuine, down-to-earth, friendly manner, Nicolas’ keynotes recount his personal story of motivation, facing down challenges and overcoming adversity as well the lessons in teamwork that his sport has instilled.

Keynote Speeches

Virtual Keynotes & Webinars
Contact us for more information about this speaker & their virtual presentations. Click here for some of the most popular formats for virtual events.
Breaking Down Barriers
Goal Setting
Overcoming Adversity - Learning from continual failure
Creating Relationships
Mindset & Wellbeing

Audience reviews:

  • Please can you send our huge thanks to Nic, he was absolutely amazing! For me and the majority of the team he was the highlight of the day! His speech was so inspiring and incredibly genuine. - Quilter
  • I cannot explain enough how much Nicolas and the story he shared inspired, moved and touched everyone in the room. It was a privilege to listen to it live and share those moments with him. I received so much warm feedback from many people who were excited to meet him in person and needed to hear his story to help them see how unique they are. What he shared during his keynote about questioning his belonging, finding himself, embracing his authenticity, and seeing himself as unique, resonated deeply with all of us. - Siteimprove
  • Thank you to Nicolas for finding the time to come and speak to us and leave a lasting impression on all of us. It was an honour to have him over. He is very inspiring, and whenever I feel down or lost, I will visualise him to pull me up again! Even from a corporate perspective, Nicolas sent us a clear message - not only promote DEI but celebrate it! Once again, he is truly inspirational. The feedback from our colleagues has already been extremely positive! - JBR Capital
  • A genuine and engaging speaker. Touched by Nicolas' presentation. Everyone put more of an effort in putting this event together because his presentation impacted us all in a different way. He's so down to earth. So accommodating. His message hits home and is so inspiring So easy to work with. He can hold and capture a group. - Mackenzie Investments
  • Nicolas was also incredible. What a story! And he delivered it superbly and the audience really responded to his style. He was a huge hit and again so easy to work with. - ASCL
  • Nic was absolutely amazing and the boys really valued his engagement and input. - Wellington
  • Please can you send our huge thanks to Nic, he was absolutely amazing! For me and the majority of the team he was the highlight of the day! His speech was so inspiring and incredibly genuine. - Quilter
  • I cannot explain enough how much Nicolas and the story he shared inspired, moved and touched everyone in the room. It was a privilege to listen to it live and share those moments with him. I received so much warm feedback from many people who were excited to meet him in person and needed to hear his story to help them see how unique they are. What he shared during his keynote about questioning his belonging, finding himself, embracing his authenticity, and seeing himself as unique, resonated deeply with all of us. - Siteimprove
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Speaker Biography

Born with Cerebral Palsy, which affects the movement of his leg muscles, Nicolas was initially a wheelchair user. He endured years of gruelling, painful training so that by the age of 17 he could walk completely unaided. A huge achievement in itself, but this was just the first part of his unwavering determination to become a professional racing driver. 

Nicolas was told as a child that he would never walk due to his cerebral palsy and would spend his life reliant on a wheelchair. Not one to be told he cannot do things, with determination and gruelling training, he not only walked unaided, but he started to realise his dream: to be a racing driver.

In a notoriously competitive and tough sport, Nicolas has established himself as a potential future champion, an achievement in any context, but even more so for someone who was told as a child that he would never walk. As well as racing, Nicolas is focused on sharing his inspirational story and his belief that your ambition is limited only by your attitude. 

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