NSB Logo Dave Hepburn, MD Dave Hepburn, MD

Dave Hepburn, MD


Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Medical Cannabis Expert

Dr. David Hepburn, MD is Canada’s foremost medical cannabis educator of physicians and the scientific and lay communities. He is a member of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians (SCC), International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines (IACM), the Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids (CCIC) and Physicians for Medical Cannabis (PMC).

Keynote Speeches

Yes We Can…nabis

The remarkable story of how and why cannabis has become a source of national debate pitching governments against cities, doctors against regulators and even neighbours against patients. Mythinformation abounds and incredibly, it is the aging baby boomers and older who are battling the hardest for a credible understanding of medical cannabis, what it prevents, what it is best used for, how it can be used and how to obtain access. A leading authority and key opinion leader, Dave consults to many organizations, medical and otherwise, on the intriguing world of cannabis.


HR | Cannabis in the Workplace

In this presentation, Dr. Hepburn discusses about the upsurge of employees using cannabis in its various incarnations, and how HR Departments to be aware of the differences between the various types of usage, when it might be acceptable (and when it is not), the effects on the worker, coworkers and other workplace implications..


Health & Wellness | Seven Numbers You Absolutely Need to Know: How to Die Young at an Old Age

This is, in fact, what we as doctors want you to do. Die young…. at an old age. 6P medicine: Prevention, Prediction, Protection, Personalization, Preparation and Participatory is the key to dying young. You, not your doctor, are responsible for your own health. Knowledge is power, and with health being your greatest wealth, this lecture may be the most valuable investment you ever make.


100 Ways to Enjoy Growing Older: The Science of Fun

Dave expounds on his famous list published in The Doctor is In(Sane). An up-to- date, fun and informative discussion on what you absolutely MUST know to enjoy and not just endure growing older. How to harness the ever-changing science of happiness and fun in everyday life. “There ain’t much fun in medicine but there is a heck of a lot of medicine in fun.”

Stress for Success
Having your company, and all who work for it, understand how to harness the inevitable stress of business and of life is essential to superior personal and corporate health. Using the template of the Harvard Business Review, medical doctor David Hepburn teaches how to identify the symptoms of negative stress (distress), while capitalizing on the positive stress (eustress) that benefits the body. He shares his 16 point method of avoiding the ravages of unmitigated negative stress to help you and your company thrive during change and when reaching high-performance levels instead of experiencing severe burnout.

Stress for Success

Having your company, and all who work for it, understand how to harness the inevitable stress of business and of life is essential to superior personal and corporate health. Using the template of the Harvard Business Review, medical doctor David Hepburn teaches how to identify the symptoms of negative stress (distress), while capitalizing on the positive stress (eustress) that benefits the body. He shares his 16 point method of avoiding the ravages of unmitigated negative stress to help you and your company thrive during change and when reaching high-performance levels instead of experiencing severe burnout.

Audience reviews:

  • The wonderful sense of humor got the rapt attention of the entire audience. It was spontaneous, quick-witted and the general consensus was that it was the best presentation of the entire Congress.

    - B.C. Society of Medical Laboratory Science
  • Dr. Hepburn lived up to his reputation as an authentic story teller and his sympathetic, knowledgeable approach to the serious topic of aging provided encouragement and hope that we can realistically make the best of our individual senior years and continue to be productive, contributing citizens – examples to others. Dr. Hepburn brings a light and warmth to his presentation, inspiring fun and adventure as an antidote to the fears and anxiety of the physical and mental effects of aging.

    - President, Parkland Area Retired Teachers’ Association
  • We were absolutely thrilled to have him share both his personal stories and life lessons as it related to his topic "100 Ways to Enjoy Growing Older: The Science of Fun". His presentation was both useful and practical with humor mixed throughout. Dr. Dave Hepburn was easily one of the highlights to our retreat.

    - Executive Assistant, Alberta Retired Teachers
  • Enormously entertaining and motivating, a great way to set the tone for the rest of our conference, which turned out to be our best ever, undoubtedly because of this opening presentation.

    - Western Regional GlaxoSmithKline Inc.
  • The wonderful sense of humor got the rapt attention of the entire audience. It was spontaneous, quick-witted and the general consensus was that it was the best presentation of the entire Congress.

    - B.C. Society of Medical Laboratory Science
  • Dr. Hepburn lived up to his reputation as an authentic story teller and his sympathetic, knowledgeable approach to the serious topic of aging provided encouragement and hope that we can realistically make the best of our individual senior years and continue to be productive, contributing citizens – examples to others. Dr. Hepburn brings a light and warmth to his presentation, inspiring fun and adventure as an antidote to the fears and anxiety of the physical and mental effects of aging.

    - President, Parkland Area Retired Teachers’ Association
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Speaker Biography

Dr. Hepburn is an award-winning syndicated columnist to more than 100 newspapers across the United States and Canada. He is a recipient of the prestigious Canadian Community Newspaper Association columnist of the year award as well as the Arizona Newspaper Association columnist of the year.

He was the co-host of the Oprah Winfrey Network show Buyologic

Cohost of the popular nationally syndicated radio program “Wisequacks” heard weekly across Canada.

He is the author of “The Doctor Is In(sane)” which was nominated for several book awards.

Dr. David Frederick Hepburn was a Canadian naval surgeon in the Persian Gulf War in 1991. Served as the doctor for the Canadian Armed Forces’ West Coast fleet for three years. Instructor NBCW (nuclear, biological, chemical warfare) medical treatment.

Doctor to the 1996 Olympic Games and marched into Olympic stadium in Atlanta. Medical Director of the 1994 Commonwealth Games in gymnastics. Former team doctor to national rugby teams as well as junior and professional.