Keynote Speeches
Darci’s 90% Philosophy Series starts here.
Her Focus on the 90% presentation reflects a “my life is my message” approach. It has helped audience members to focus a magnifying glass on the 90% of their life that is positive and empowers them to be and feel their best. Darci will challenge where you focus your magnifying glass when reflecting on; yourself, the people around you and your personal life.
Living the 90%, a Deeper Dive, is part two of the Focus on the 90% philosophy.
It provides you with the tools and foundation to come back together, refresh the Focus on the 90% message and dig deeper in a “pen to paper” reality check on how you’ve moved your magnifying glass in the key areas of your life.
Lead the 90% will challenge you to pick up your magnifying glass and not only see your life through that 90% lens but lead others through that lens too.
This philosophy will help change your perspective on life and help start to change your brain, to teach it to look for the positive, and setting an example for others. Darci will show how a commitment to kind leadership will not only make a difference in your life, but those you lead. The growth and success of your company will depend on it.
Darci’s first women’s book sends a powerful message to women about embracing the past, loving the woman in the mirror, and seeing their life through a 90% lens.
“I wrote this book for women. For Us. I want us to heal.”
Embrace the 90% challenges women to identify their fears, the labels they were given, and their lack of self-love. Through thought-provoking questions triggered by real-life examples, Darci helps women dig deeper and find a healthier way of thinking and living.
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