Peace and Possibility with General Roméo Dallaire

General Roméo Dallaire’s new book:  The Peace

“In his final act, General Roméo Dallaire has become a warrior working towards a better future in which old paradigms are rejected and replaced. General Dallaire shows us a path to The Peace; a state where, above all else, humanity values the ties that bind us and the planet together – and acts accordingly’

Instant bestseller!
The Peace — A Warrior’s Journey | General Roméo Dallaire 

After Rwanda, General Dallaire says he has found a path to personal peace. Knowing we’re all interconnected, he sees the opportunity for us all to achieve transformational change.

We’ve been honoured to represent the General for his speaking for more than a decade and are encouraged by his latest work. Thank you to all the early readers of General Dallaire’s new book, making it a best seller in its first week of release: The Peace. It’s a book and message to help with new perspectives and new solutions towards peace.
Read more here.

Theresa Beenken, CEO, National Speakers Bureau

Key Themes in his latest book and speeches:

On Leadership: Hierarchical leadership delivers a false promise of certainty, playing on our fears of the unknown and our anxiety about a changing world. The leaders who can meet the challenges of the future will be inclusive, flexible and collaborative, whether at the peace table or the dinner table.  Our leaders need to be strategic and future forward: If we cannot agree on a cohesive strategy to anticipate and mitigate conflicts among ourselves, how can we expect to resolve problems that will affect the whole of humanity?

On Climate and our Earth: In our era of revolutions, nothing is clearer than the need for us to reconnect to each other, in all our humanity, and to the Earth. Human-caused climate change will require us to come together against a common adversary, and we will need to figure out how to reshape our relationship with each other and with our planet. We have to abandon the cynical view that we’re each in this life for ourselves alone.

On the power of Unity:  Rwanda “shocked me into a profound realization of the precious frailty of life and a deep consciousness of my relationship with the whole of humanity”. The recent impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and war on supply chains and food and energy prices, highlights the interconnectedness and interdependence of a globalized world.

We are at the point of such existential risk that we need to abandon self-interest. That era has failed all but the one per cent, and they are failing the rest of us every day. Our nuances and differences can be, and need to be, respected and celebrated. But to thrive we must move forward without friction and competition. This is a level of unity I believe we haven’t even perceived yet, but it is the only thing that will permit us to reinforce our ensemble, find the positives in our differences, and prevent conflict before it happens.

On Peace and Potential:
Peace, as we have known it since the end of the last world war, hasn’t been peace at all, because we have never broken the cycle of truces and conflicts fed by separation, inequality and isolation. Rather than continuing to focus on winning wars, we needed to set our minds on shaping peace.

On Possibility:  “For the sure and brave, I can’t wait to see where you lead. If we can advance toward the peace, then we can spend our energy on possibilities. Peux que ce veux. Allons-y! Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Let’s go!”


Want more great content on General Dallaire?
Here’s a few links to check out:

<Marie-Claude Michaud & Roméo Dallaire on “Leading with Vulnerability” | NSB Engage Virtual Webinar>
<Rwanda: 30 Years On in 2024 with General Dallaire>

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