Nova Nicole: Workplace Wellness for a Better Bottom Line

Recently, Nova Nicole took Financial & Insurance Conference Professionals (FICP) Canadian Seminar attendees on a workplace wellness journey, helping them identify how they were performing at work. 

Nova helped attendees identify how they were performing and name it, and guided them to take steps to improve as needed. The process helps proactively identify red flags at work and Nova shares various techniques to create boundaries & prioritize self-care. 


Within the workplace, the process of executing towards a goal can feel all-consuming. Nova used a performance matrix (pictured above) to encourage audience members to stay within the Performance and Recovery Zones, and to avoid aspects of the Survival and Burnout Zones. When burnout sets in and productivity declines, passion is snuffed out by resentment, dread, and stagnation.

Organizations need to learn how to proactively identify red flags at work and use various techniques to create boundaries & prioritize self-care. When organizations take action, employees get more out of their personal and professional relationships, and wellness at work improves overall. 


Nova’s topic Workplace Wellness for a Better Bottom Line is perfect for audiences looking to bring humanity to work via self-awareness & self-management. Fill out the form below to request Nova Nicole for your next event.

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