Nikolas Badminton | Facing Our Futures: Pathways & Trends That Will Shape Our World | NSB Engage Virtual Webinar

Plan like a Futurist

Nikolas Badminton illustrates pathways ahead on the mega trends that will shape our world, and will shape your business into the future. He draws on his expertise in new technologies and promotes exponential thinking with a critical, honest, and optimistic view that empowers you to plan for today, tomorrow, and for the future. Attendees will never see the world in the same way again. And that will lead to an incredible shift in thinking towards our positive futures.

Key takeaways from this presentation will include:

  • Shifting mindsets from WHAT IS to WHAT IF, and the power of Strategic Foresight for futures planning
  • Global shifts – economic and population growth, global warming and the dynamics of the water-food-energy nexus
  • Opportunities and challenges on data, sensors, artificial intelligence and automation

Nikolas is the Chief Futurist and Think Tank leader at Futurist dot com, a Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (The RSA), and the futurist who the world’s most impactful companies and filmmakers turn to for big ideas on our collective futures. 

Nikolas has advised the world’s most impactful companies, including NASA, Google, Microsoft, United Nations, United Way, Bayer, Bank of Canada, Government of Canada, UK Home Office, Government of Cayman Islands, American Express, AT&T, Thales International, Rolls Royce, Heineken, Procter & Gamble, IDEO, and many more.

His opinion research has been featured by the BBC, VICE, The Atlantic, Fast Company, Techcrunch, Business Insider, Huffington Post, Forbes, Sputnik, Venturebeat, CTV, Global News, and SIRIUS XM.  

Nikolas’ thinking can be seen in the opening chapter for the new book ‘The Future Starts Now’. He’s also writing a new book for Bloomsbury – ‘Facing Our Futures’ that equips world leaders and executives with the tools to imagine new futures, see unforeseen risks and strengthen strategic planning.

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