Nelson Mandela | 1918-2013
It was with heavy hearts we learned of the passing of Nelson Mandela on Thursday December 5th, 2013. Some NSB speakers had their own memories and stories to share about the late Mandela below upon his passing. UPDATE Dec 10, 2013: Mandela Memorial – See full transcript of President Barack Obama’s powerful address at the Mandela Memorial. In South Africa are supportive Canadians inspired by Mandela: Former UN Envoy Stephen Lewis, Free the Children’s Craig Kielburger, and the Rt Hon Michaëlle Jean and Kim Campbell. Free the Children’s Marc Kielburger on Mandela:

Photo credit: V. Tony Hauser
Stephen Lewis: The Nelson Mandela I knew
From The Star, published December 5th, 2013: “I never really knew Nelson Mandela in his illustrious political role. I had certainly dealt with him on some important children’s issues when I was working with UNICEF, but my knowledge of Madiba, as he was known to everyone, emerged in a much more personal way.”
How Nelson Mandela changed the #AIDS agenda, by @sarahboseley via @guardian @alissasadler — André Picard (@picardonhealth) December 6, 2013
Remembering what #Mandela told us about the greatest lesson he learned as a shepherd boy: a great leader leads his people from behind. — Craig Kielburger (@craigkielburger) December 5, 2013
Long live #Madiba‘s spirit! May it never die in our hearts and minds. — Michaëlle Jean (@MichaelleJeanF) December 6, 2013
A life lived that may never be matched. R.I.P. Nelson Mandela. — G. Stroumboulopoulos (@strombo) December 5, 2013
WATCH: When freed, this fantastic interview bw Mandela and Barbara Frum. It’s a clear moment in history @DavidFrum — Seamus O’Regan (@SeamusORegan) December 5, 2013
I have only ever had one hero and tonight I celebrate the life. Freedom will forever be defined by Nelson Mandela. — Bruce Poon Tip (@brucepoontip) December 5, 2013
From George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight– Nelson Mandela: Lionel Richie, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Idris Elba, Joe Clark Talk About His Impact
Finally a few favourite Mandela quotes from the NSB Team: