Brain Fitness for Educators – Make Learning Easier!

Jill Hewlett, a Brain Fitness Expert & Wellness Authority, has been empowering her audience members to optimize their mental and physical health by turning Educational Kinesiology principles into everyday strategies that can be used at work, in the classroom, and in daily life. Jill’s presentations educate audiences on increasing energy levels, reducing stress, improving learning, elevating productivity, cultivating a more positive attitude, and improving performance, at every age. 

In this guest blog, she discusses some of the stressors that make learning difficult and offers some solutions to make learning easier for students and educators. 

Question: Do your students have their ‘learning switches’ turned on?


Even with the best of intentions, a large sum of learning potential is left untapped every school year. This is a great loss for students, teachers, educational systems, and the world at large.

The moment a student enters the classroom, we expect their brain to be turned on and ready to go. A child’s brain, however, is not always ready to perform a task, learn a new skill, communicate, concentrate, problem solve, or take tests.



Throughout the course of a typical day, a student’s brain is spending time in various states, ranging from rest and restore to active engagement mode.

In addition, their brain naturally oscillates between its two main hemispheres: the logical left and the creative right. Depending on the task at hand, their learning profile, and the stressors that they may be dealing with, students will spend more time accessing one side of their brain than the other.

This is a natural occurrence.  However, it is not the optimal learning state necessary for full classroom participation that provides the best results. This can lead to mounting frustration, avoidance, unfair assessments, and the false belief that they aren’t smart enough or that they are incapable of learning.



Unless educators intentionally implement strategies to support their students in turning on their learning switches and getting into a whole brain ‘learning ready state’, they can only access a limited portion of their students’ abilities and resources.

When you factor in other key mental health concerns, such as anxiety, attitude, and self-management, the focus on actual learning takes a back seat in the educational experience.  This is further complicated by an educator’s responsibility to support the array of learning styles in a classroom.



How is the quantity of screen time impacting learning?  While technology has its merits, screens are two-dimensional platforms; our brain, in contrast, is three dimensional.  In order to get the most results from our cognitive resources, we need to activate and to use as much of our brain as possible, on a regular basis.  The question is, how do you achieve it?


Thankfully the human brain is the most powerful, intelligent, and sophisticated technology on the planet – it is simply waiting for us to tap into our potential! 

To get the most out of learning, it is important to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Enhance brain and nervous system functioning
  • Turn on ‘learning switches’ to access a whole brain learning state

With an understanding of basic neuroscience, and a toolbox of fun and highly effective Brain Fitness strategies, you can support your diverse classroom of unique learners in new and improved ways!

As an added bonus, the same approach that works for students can also benefit educators and administrative staff as well – especially in the areas of self-care, mental health, and wellness.


Want to acquire some Brain Fitness tips and tools you can use in the classroom? We’ve put together this quick guide to get you started. It’s free to download below.

Download Jill Hewlett's Free E-guide for Educators


Jill provides audiences with simple and effective strategies to boost their learning potential while maintaining their brain fitness. To bring this interactive learning presentation into your organization, educational conference, or school request Jill for your next event!

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