The Economist | The Canada Summit 2014

Economist-Canada-SummitIt’s test time for Canada. On one hand, the country is poised to play a key role in the global economy over the next 10 years. Canada’s stable macroeconomic environment and sound monetary policy allowed it to emerge from the global financial crisis barely scathed. Its resource-rich environment has made it a leader in commodity exports, which have tripled in the last decade due their global demand. And its policy toward multiculturalism has opened the doors to myriad immigrants who have shaped Canada into a true melting point of global culture and global talent. All together this has set up a sustainable climate for business and innovation to flourish. But Canada today faces a number of urgent political, economic and social questions, the answers to which will play a key role in determining everything from its future financial health-to its national identity. This year, the United States and other G8 nations that are emerging from the financial crisis are set to outpace Canada in economic growth. And a housing crash has become the biggest risk facing the economy. Meanwhile, Canada is in critical need of diversification of its exports and has become overly dependent on the US and China as trading partners, while other global relationships have lagged. It’s time for Canadians to apply fresh thinking to policy-making and business strategy to unleash the country’s potential as a global powerhouse. Join The Economist at its inaugural The Canada Summit, chaired by the global publication’s Economics editor, Greg Ip, as top CEOs from Canada and abroad are interviewed about their biggest challenges and opportunities, as well as the steps they are taking to expand their operations globally.

View the full Canada Summit agenda here


National Speakers Bureau is proud to feature:

Lauren-Friese-HiRes3-1100x400Lauren Friese | Founder of

Lauren founded TalentEgg after she sensed a void in the market for young people transitioning from academic to professional careers. Her success has her recognized by PROFIT as one of the ‘Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30’ in Canada and by Women’s Executive Network as one of ‘Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100.’ Lauren will be part of the 4:30pm session:

‘Investing in ideas: Boosting innovation for bigger returns.’

  NSB-Divider Other speakers on our roster taking part in the presentations include:

David-Miller-HiRes2David Miller | President & CEO, WWF Canada & 63rd Mayor of Toronto

David Miller was elected Toronto’s 63rd mayor in 2003 and was re-elected for a second term in 2006 where he championed various causes helping Toronto emerge as a top global city. In 2013, he was appointed as president and CEO of WWF. David will be part of the 3:30 pm session ‘Canada and the Arctic Council: The promise and perils of increased economic development.‘  

Frank-McKenna-LoRes2Frank McKenna | Deputy Chair – TD Bank Financial Group

Frank McKenna became the darling of the Canadian business establishment and the centrepiece of national media for his efforts to attract jobs to New Brunswick and for his social policy innovations. Deputy Chair of TD Bank Financial Group, he is responsible for supporting the Bank in its customer acquisition strategy, particularly in the area of Wholesale and Commercial Banking. Prior to joining TDBFG, he was posted to Washington, D.C. and served as the Canadian Ambassador to the United States of America from 2005 to 2006. Frank will be part of the 2:30 pm session: ‘The energy equation: Canada’s future as an energy exporter.NSB-Divider Don’t miss out on this crucial discussion.  As a special offer for our valued clients, you can save $400 when you enter National Speakers Bureau’s special code, EMPMPNSB

Click here to purchase your ticket.


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