Dr. Brian Goldman “COVID-19: What We’ve Learned, What’s To Come, & Your Questions” | NSB Engage Virtual Webinar

As a veteran ER physician and one of Canada’s most trusted medical broadcasters, Dr. Brian Goldman brings Canadians the best science from top experts in plain language. He’s played an important role in educating, addressing concerns, and dispelling misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Having spent the better part of 2020 experiencing this pandemic, Dr. Brian Goldman shares his perspective on all that we’ve gone through and what’s to come. 

Topics discussed in this webinar include:

  • Timing, misinformation, and implications of a vaccine.
  • Considerations for travel, mental health, and more during the holiday season.
  • Looking back at Canada’s response to the pandemic in 2020.  


Brian Goldman, MD, is one of those rare individuals with great success in not one but several adrenaline-pumping careers. Goldman is a highly regarded emergency physician at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.  He is also the host of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s award-winning radio show “White Coat, Black Art”, and podcast “The Dose” where he takes listeners behind the scenes of hospitals and doctor’s offices.  Goldman unpacks and demystifies what goes on inside medicine’s sliding doors – with edgy topics that include the whistle blowing in health care, burnout among health professionals, racism in health care and how to getting to the head of the line in health care.

Dr. Goldman has worked as a health reporter for The National, CBC Television’s flagship news program, for CBC-TV’s The Health Show, and served as senior production executive during the launch year of Discovery Health Channel, Canada’s only 24-hour channel devoted to health programming.

He is the author of the bestselling book The Night Shift:  Real Life in the ER, which takes readers through giddying heights and crashing lows as Goldman works through a typical night shift in one of Canada’s busiest ERs.  He is also the author of  The Secret Language of Doctors which takes a biting look at medical slang.In his latest book, The Power of Kindness, Goldman leaves the comfortable, familiar surroundings of the hospital in search of his own lost compassion

View Dr. Brian Goldman ‘s profile, or request more information about hosting him as a speaker.


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