A Dare to Remember: Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

Stephen LewisCan you imagine a celeb musician working to help you pick out a toy at your local department store? What about seeing someone portage a canoe for 5km through Toronto’s busy downtown core? Or joining friends for a 12-hour mahjongathon? These are just a few of the “dares” that Canadians are challenging themselves to do on behalf of the Stephen Lewis Foundation (SLF) to help raise awareness – and much needed funds – for AIDS-ravaged communities across Africa.

A Dare to Remember is a nationwide challenge by veteran diplomat and Co-Director AIDS-Free World, Stephen Lewis, taking place from October 17-25, 2009. During one week, thousands of Canadians will undertake dares to raise money for HIV/AIDS in Africa through the Stephen Lewis Foundation. The idea is simple: choose a dare – you could run 5km, learn to dance, or host one of 1,000 dinners – and then ask everyone you know to sponsor you. You can also Dare your family, colleagues and friends and help them fundraise to meet their goal.

All the funds raised will go to community-based organizations that are turning the tide of HIV and AIDS in Africa.  The idea is that each of us can do something, big or small, and that when ordinary people come together, extraordinary things happen. Be part of A Dare to Remember.

Register your dare at www.adaretoremember.com.  Decide how much you want to raise and set your fundraising goal.  Create your personal fundraising page online, and contact friends, family, and colleagues and ask them to sponsor you.  Start raising money today, and do your dare alongside thousands of Canadians during the Dare to Remember week.

If you can’t do a dare yourself, join the movement in any way you can.  Dare a friend, donate to someone else’s Dare and spread the word to everyone you know. Challenge yourself to be part of A Dare to Remember.

Ordinary people can do extraordinary things. They’re doing it in Africa, every day.  This is the moment to stand with them. 

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