Education Speakers | Leading Voices in 2019

800 million jobs are expected to be lost to robots within the next decade.

If education is supposed to prepare us for work, how can you ensure the skills learned by today’s youth will earn them a living when they graduate?

Our experts are leading the way, and changing education as we’ve traditionally known it.  They focus on the soft skills that robots can’t express, understanding how technology is rewiring our brains, and how to quickly access what we need to know.  

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? Featured Education Experts  ?

Dr. Dave Williams knows it can be a challenge supplementing the standardized curriculum with real-world examples that bring STEAM to life. He uses his career in outer space and underwater to create exciting connections between exploration and STEAM concepts. Dave shows educators how to present scientific concepts in a manner that excites the imagination of students!

[Read Dave’s Education Blog: Exploration Enhanced Curriculum]


The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada prompted a reflection and assessment of the current realities of Indigenous issues in our country. For educators, some important questions such as, ‘How can we strengthen the educational framework for Indigenous learners?’. Indigenous Artist, Activist & Educator Eddy Robinson says success is creating space for the Indigenous conversation physically, mentally, emotionally and digitally:

[Read Eddy’s Blog: Truth and Reconciliation in Education]



Today’s educators are faced with preparing their students for an unclear future. Digital Health Pioneer & STEM Educator Julielynn Wong is providing unique and meaningful learning experiences for diverse students to develop innovative mindsets, adaptive problem-solving frameworks, and global literacy. Learn more about how she’s embracing innovation in the classroom. 

[Read Julielynn’s Education Blog: Embracing Innovation in the Classroom]



Who we listen to and who we trust is changing, and this is having a massive impact on the education sector. New actors and institutions are emerging and causing disruption.  What relationship will the new authorities have with the existing ones? Futurist Jesse Hirsh says existing institutions need to embrace the opportunity of becoming a cognitive authority and give a signal amidst the noise of messaging.  

[Read Jesse’s Education Blog: The Future of Authority ]



Educators are seeking out ways to empower their students to create new and better ideas. To be the autonomous and self-motivated creators of our future. What does this mean in a practical sense? Acclaimed inventor Ann Makosinski says we must drop the ‘arts’ vs ‘science’ narrative and instead start putting students through art-science integration and attention to STEAM.

[Read Ann’s Education Blog: The Art & Science of Invention]


For almost two decades, Dr. Rumeet Billan has been committed to reimagining education, uncovering potential, and teaching resilience. If you’re looking for fresh, science-backed learning strategies educators can take back to their classrooms to create happier, more self-aware students, Rumeet says it starts with a simple question. Who Do I Want To Become?

[Read Rumeet’s Education Blog: Developing Flexible Skillsets in Students]


?Additional Resources for Educators

Jill Hewlett discusses some of the stressors that make learning difficult and offers some solutions to make learning easier for students and educators. [Read Jill’s Blog]


Jill Hewlett Brain Fitness for Educators

Jill also created a quick guide to learn some Brain Fitness tips and tools you can use in the classroom! It’s free to download above.


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